Saturday, January 17, 2009

what's going on in our world

Sorry we haven't posted in quite awhile but life has been so busy....anyway we just thought we would get you all caught up on what is going on here in our house.

His Upward basketball season just started. The second game was today and we are 1-1...but who's counting? Jerome is coaching of course so Brennan doesn't get any slack...the joy of being a coaches son :) He has been back in school for a couple of weeks and is already wishing he is out again. We got his report card for the last 9 weeks with a fantastic report of all As. His big gift for Christmas was a Wii so that is keeping him busy and entertained. He continues to grow closer to Jerome...I'm not jealous at all :) They are always doing something together, throwing a football around the house, wrestling, playing outside, playing the Wii, watching sports, being lazy...he is really a daddy's boy. Sometimes I think all he needs me for is clean clothes and a hot meal...but I do realize how blessed we are that Brennan adores his dad as much as he does...we would not want it the other way around.

She is still growing like a little weed. She learns a new word probably everyday and she started saying mama over the winter break (which made it really hard to go back to work). She is still getting into everything and making messes but we have just learned to let her be and pick things up later. She is still going to Mommy's Day Out 2 days a week and seems to be doing okay...occasionally we will get a note sent home that says that she didn't share or she screamed at one of the other babies...drama mama. In a couple of months we go for our 3rd post-op ultrasound and doctor's visit. At that point we will take her off her medication if everything looks okay and wait to see if she gets another infection or not. We have chosen to fore go the test that would show us if the surgery was 100% successful. She had this test done when she was diagnosed and we are not going to put her through it again unless it is absolutely necessary. If she gets another infection then we will have to do it no matter what. We just continue to pray that God will show us what He wants us to do and that he continues to mend her little body. She continues to become more and more of a mommy's girl; there are some days that she is attached to my hip. As frustrating as it can be to not be able to get anything done around the house I don't think I would want it any other way. She will grow up soon enough and then I will long for these days back.

He is still managing the gym and loves it. They are getting so busy (this time of year usually is) and thanking God everyday for the opportunity to keep their doors open for business. So many people are loosing jobs and we are very aware that a gym membership is one thing people could probably live without so for him (and the gym) to be as busy as they are is only because God is blessing it. Like mentioned earlier he is coaching Brennan's basketball team. Other than that there is nothing new with him...

I am in my second semester of teaching and oh what a journey it has been so far. I needed the winter break to find my bearings again. Teaching is like nothing I've ever done before. It is so out of my element...I mean, there are some days where I will lecture for 7 hours and my entire life I probably haven't talked enough to equal 7 hours (j/k). But seriously, I am not a talker so this is very challenging. It is stressful, rewarding, frustrating, amazing, hard, and on and on. I am just trusting God that this is his plan for me because there are some days that I know the only reason why I make it through is because He wants me there. After the long days at school then I just come home to be mom and wife. Spend a few hours in the evening cleaning up the house and getting kids to bed to start it all over again the next day. That is really all my life consists of right now...

Friday, January 2, 2009

Our Home

Need advice on what color to paint the siding/shutters/trim/gutters.

I have a few colors picked out but I need to know if I am headed in the right direction.

Shutters: black

Siding/trim/gutters: a warm beige color

Pictures taken 2/2007 prior to moving day...

Front door...I would L-O-V-E a new front door and glass door.

west side of house, we have removed ALL of these bushes

south side of the house

west side/south side

west side, driveway view/front door view

west side, again

north side, bushes have been removed, crazy flower box has been removed...all of this has uncovered the air conditioning unit which is now surrounded by a white lattice fence (which needs to be smaller but it works for now)

front door view, outside light needs to be updated

another front door view

This is a web-site that I found that sells wrought iron things. I L-O-V-E this monogram with house numbers...we will probably be doing something similiar.

So here is where your wonderful advice comes in you wonderful friends and family. We have lived here 1.5 years now and it is getting time to start on the outside. :)

Thanks for your help!